Section 1 Forklift Training Manual
Welcome to SummerWinds Forklift Certification Training Program, Safety Training Manual The manual contains 4 lessons that are part of our Safety Series. Completion of the 4 lessons, acknowledgment of all forklift safety rules of operation, completion of a practical exam, and successful completion of the written final exam, are required before you are certified by SummerWinds to operate a forklift without a qualified operator in supervision. Review the material in this program carefully , as you will be required to demonstrate competency both in the practical and written exam , as well as in observation at any time operating a forklift. Forklift training and forklift safety rules are designed for the purpose of maintaining safe practices when operating this complicated and dangerous machinery. Understanding and following safety rules with awareness and acknowledgement of the importance of operating the vehicles safely will ensure safe operation. Lesson 1 is designed to help the operator gain an understanding of forklift engineering principles enabling operators to make good judgements, based upon this information.Without this in-depth knowledge of the machinery you are operating, you cannot fully understand why certain safety rules apply, and you may be more likely to violate safety rules.
Lesson 1 • Page 4
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