Section 1 Forklift Training Manual
Going Forward – Introduction Summary & Review Forklift Principles The principles discussed in this lesson are core to working safely with forklift style trucks, load distribution, and cargo movement. Here is a review of key principles you will be required to demonstrate your competency of: 2. The truck's center of gravity shifts toward the fulcrum as a load is raised.The forklift is engineered for lifting a certain capacity load to the maximum height of forklift. 3. A critical factor affecting the safe lifting capacity is the load center. A load carried close to the forklift is much safer than one with the load center extended away from the forklift. 4. A forklift attachment affects the load center and safe lifting capacity of a 5,000 lb. capacity forklift.The load center would be extended, greatly reducing the maximum safe lifting capacity. 1. The fulcrum principle: A load balancing a counterweight on a forklift with the front tires as the fulcrum of the load.
5. Tilting a load or driving with a load raised can be dangerous . A tilted load extends the load center plus the extra weight of the mass increases the weight of the load being lifted. 6. Driving with a raised load increases the mass of the truck. If the forklift stops quickly, the momentum of the truck and load could cause the truck to overturn. 7. The center of gravity is very high on forklifts because the wheels are close together and the weight of the engine sits several inches off the ground. A forklift can easily be overturned, particularly if the operator is driving too fast or the load is raised. This is the principle of the stability triangle. 8. The hydraulic system is under tremendous pressure. If hose bursts, the entire system could fail.This could result in a serious accident or personal injury. Replace worn, cracked or damaged pans or hoses.
Lesson 1 • Page 18
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